1. The Registration System |
The AWHA Ltd records horses in five categories: the Studbook, the Warmblood Foundation Mare Register, the Foundation Mare Register, the Small Warmblood Studbook and the Warmblood Performance Registration Book (ex Warmblood Identification (WID) Register). A full schedule of fees and charges is provided below. If you are not a current financial member of the AWHA Ltd you will need to complete a Membership Application and forward this to the Registrations Administrator. Please refer to the Membership page for more details. |
2. Registering your Horse with the AWHA Ltd |
To register a horse you must be a full financial member of the AWHA Ltd. To register a horse with the AWHA Ltd please download and complete the application form and forward this with the applicable fee to the Registrations Administrator. If applicable, the Artificial Insemination Mare ID form and the Embryo Transfer Mare ID forms must also be completed.
If you are registering 10 or more horses a 10% discount will apply. The normal registration fee is $80 per horse; the discounted registration fee is $72 per horse. |
Warmblood Registration |
3. Registering an Anglo-Arab or Thoroughbred Mare |
A Thoroughbred or Anglo-Arabian can be registered as a Foundation Mare through the AWHA Ltd classification process. Mares must have a minimum height of 153cms and must be assessed by two AWHA Ltd classifiers. If the mare passes classification she will be registered into the Foundation Mare Register. The AWHA Ltd Breeding Guidelines provides further information. Please note that mares that have not been branded must have been microchipped before they can be classified. |
Foundation Mare Registration/Classification |
Registration & Classification of Foundation Mares | $85.00 |
4. Application for DNA & Genetic Testing |
If you are registering a foal that is the result of insemination by frozen semen or embryo transfer you will need to apply for DNA testing of the foal so that its parentage can be validated. Download and complete the attached DNA Testing Application form and return this with the applicable fee to the Registrations Administrator whose details are on the form. Fragile Foal Syndrome – Type 1 (FFS1) testing is available for an additional $30 inc. GST when carried out at the time of parentage/validation testing. |
DNA | $90.00 |
DNA + FFS1 | $120.00 |
FFS1 Testing from Lab Stored or New Hair Sample | $50.00 |
FFS1 Upgrade from DNA Only | $30.00 |
Genetic Testing (refer page 2 of DNA Application) | $0.00 |
5. Buffy Coat Activation to DNA |
DNA-Buffy Coat activation may be available for eligible blood samples. Please check with the Registrations Administrator to see if a blood sample is able to be activated prior to form submission and payment. |
Buffy Coat Activation to DNA |
BT Activation to DNA | $25.00 |
6. Classification |
Classification is the process by which mares are assessed for their genetic potential for inclusion either in the Studbook, the Warmblood Foundation Mare Register or the Foundation Mare Register. Mares are assessed by two AWHA classifiers and if they pass classification then their pedigree will determine which category of the four studbook categories they will be listed under. The Breeding guidelines provide more information about the process. If you would like to have a mare classified by the AWHA please complete the attached classification form and return this with the applicable fee to the Federal Registrar. If you are not already a member then you will need to complete an membership application and send this with you application to the Membership Coordinator. Refer to the Membership page for more information |
Mare Classification |
Mare Classification | $85.00 |
7. Transfer |
If you have recently purchased an AWHA Ltd registered horse we recommend you transfer your horse into your name. If you have been given the horse's AWHA Ltd registration paper with the transfer section completed then you can send this together with the applicable fee to the Registrations Administrator. Alternatively you can complete the application for transfer form and send this along with proof of purchase and the applicable fee. Please note: you are still required to mail the original registration papers so we can process the transfer. |
Transfer |
Free Transfer | $0.00 |
Transfer | $20.00 |
8. Duplicate Papers |
If you have lost your horse's AWHA Ltd registration papers you may apply for duplicate papers. Please complete the duplicate papers application form and send this together with the applicable fee to the Registrations Administrator. |
Duplicate Papers |
9. Colt/Stallion Selection |
Colt Classification or Selection is the process by which the AWHA grades the best colts for breeding by assessing their conformation, movement, jumping ability followed by Performance Testing. The grading process also applies to imported horses, which have not passed similar testing under the auspices of a recognised overseas organisation. The Colt Selection Guidelines below provides more information regarding the process of Colt Selection. To apply to have a colt included in the colt selection process please complete the Application for colt selection and return it to the Registrations Administrator. If you are not already a member then you will need to complete a membership application and send this together with your application to the Membership Coordinator. Refer to the Membership page for more information. |
Colt Selection |
Colt Selection fee | $500.00 |
Colt Selection over Performance Assessment | $500.00 |
10. Stud Book Service Certificate Book |
The AWHA provides Studbook Service Certifcate Books (SBSCB) for recording the mares served by AWHA Approved and Licensed stallions and for subsequently registering their foals. The attached information sheet provides more information on these SBSCB. To obtain a Studbook Service Certificate Book for your AWHA Approved or Licensed stallion please complete the attached application and send it to the Registrations Administrator with the applicable fee. |
Studbook Service Book |
Studbook Service Book | $100.00 |
11. Non-Stud Book Service Certificate Book |
The AWHA provides Non-Studbook Service Certifcate Books (NSBSCB) for recording the mares served by AWHA Recorded stallions subject to certain conditions. The attached information sheet provides more information on these NSBSCB and the associated conditions. To obtain a Non-Studbook Service Certificate Book for your AWHA Recorded stallion please read the attached information sheet and follow the procedure detailed in the info sheet. The Application form is also provided below. |
Non-Studbook Service Book |
Non Studbook Service Book | $110.00 |
12. Document of Mating |
Colts who score less than 70% at AWHA colt selection and / or are registered with the AWHA but have never been presented at colt selection can apply for a Service Certificate Book known as a “Document of Mating”. The attached information sheet provides more information on the criteria and procedures for "Documents of Mating". The Application form for a Document of Mating book and the application form for a single service certificate are provided below. |
Document of Mating Service Book |
Document of Mating Service Book | $150.00 |
13. IFS Stallion Listing |
Stallions who are licensed (performance tested) with recognised overseas Warmblood Associations and whose Semen is imported into Australia can be registered with the AWHA as Listed IFS (Imported Frozen Semen). Progeny resulting from matings by artificial insemination with imported (frozen.chilled) semen shall be eligible for registration with the AWHA subject to the same rules and conditions relating to classification of mares and breeding permit stallions that apply to natural insemination. To apply to list a stallion please download the application form and return this to the Registrations Administrator. If you are not already a member then you will need to complete a membership application. |
IFS Stallion Listing |
IFS Stallion Listing | $0.00 |
14. Reservation of a Stud Prefix/Suffix |
The reservation of a stud prefix and/pr suffix allows the continued use of a prefix or suffix and records the description of a brand. Please note that brands cannot be reserved due to different legislation between states. |
Stud Prefix/Suffix Registration |
Stud Prefix/Suffix Reservation | $0.00 |
15. Change of Paper Fee |
Fee charged when changes are requested to registration papers such as brands being removed, microchip number being added, etc. |
Change of Paper |
Change of Paper Fee | $10.00 |
16. Name Change |
To change the name of your AWHA Ltd registered horse please complete the name change application form and send this together with the applicable fee to the Registrations Administrator. You can also use this form to add a stud prefix or suffix to a horse's name although no changes are permitted to a horse's prefix and/or suffix without the express written consent of the breeder. |
Name Change |
17. Stud Directory Listing |
The AWHA Ltd offers current financial members the opportunity to list their Warmblood stud under the Stud Directory listing on the AWHA Ltd website. This service is a free service available to current financial members only. Stud listings run from 1st September through to 31st August each year, coinciding with the Association's membership year. A listing in the Stud Directory provides you with advertising text, two photographs (or stud logo) and a link to your website (if applicable).
18. Classified Listings |
The classifieds section of the AWHA Ltd website is a free service available to current financial members only. This service is not available to non-members. If you would like to advertise any horses for sale please contact the AWHA Ltd Publicity Officer via email publicity@awha.com.au
Please provide your contact details, your name and the registered name of your horse along with advertising text and up to two photographs. AWHA Ltd registered horses will have their pedigree displayed from the AWHA Ltd database.